I wonder what it's like
Not being bound by the restraints of gravity
Being so far off the ground, the people look small
And their problems become invisible
Being so light
When the wind picks up, it takes you along for the ride
Soaring across the sky and through the clouds
Guiding you for miles on end
Above the lush forests and blooming hills
Above the cascading rivers and vast mountains
Flying so far across the land
With nothing but the gentle breeze by your side
Swooping back down through the buildings and trees
Resting only for a brief moment
Before taking off again
I wonder this while I watch them
The birds outside the window
Flying around weightless
I wonder this as I sit in my classroom
Only half noticing what is happening
As my mind is already beyond the bell that is soon to ring
Beyond how we will shortly be released for the rest of the day
As my mind is in my weightsome backpack
Rummaging through papers and books
Trying to make sense of the hours of work that lie ahead tonight
And how to complete it all before tomorrow
When it will grow again
I continue to look out the window
And as they flutter about
I wonder what it is like
To be as free as a bird.
Not being bound by the restraints of gravity
Being so far off the ground, the people look small
And their problems become invisible
Being so light
When the wind picks up, it takes you along for the ride
Soaring across the sky and through the clouds
Guiding you for miles on end
Above the lush forests and blooming hills
Above the cascading rivers and vast mountains
Flying so far across the land
With nothing but the gentle breeze by your side
Swooping back down through the buildings and trees
Resting only for a brief moment
Before taking off again
I wonder this while I watch them
The birds outside the window
Flying around weightless
I wonder this as I sit in my classroom
Only half noticing what is happening
As my mind is already beyond the bell that is soon to ring
Beyond how we will shortly be released for the rest of the day
As my mind is in my weightsome backpack
Rummaging through papers and books
Trying to make sense of the hours of work that lie ahead tonight
And how to complete it all before tomorrow
When it will grow again
I continue to look out the window
And as they flutter about
I wonder what it is like
To be as free as a bird.