I don’t mean covid
I don’t mean sickness
I’m talking about my emotions
The ones that are masked
This is the way you see me:
I’m smiling
I’m happy
I’m laughing
What you don’t see is
I’m slipping on a mask
Every time I’m with
Friends or
Anyone really
Some people say
Nobody is perfect
But still expect perfection
Am I the only one
Who feels damaged
By the word “Perfect?”
I’m mad
I’m sad
I’m tired
But I doubt you’ll ever notice . . .
I’m sitting right behind you
Laughing with the others
But don’t turn around
To look for me
You see my face drop
When I look away
But don’t take it personally
Maybe you can
Forget that you saw
My mask come off
In the first place
But you don’t forget
And you confront me
“Is something wrong?”
Direct and cold
There is no room for questions as I walk away
I wish I didn’t push you away
But I can’t say it
When there’s a mask
People gain
Ones you must meet
Sometimes they are impossible
I find myself
Craving, wishing, to “become a better person”
But I can’t do that
Without revealing
My real self to you
I can’t do that without
Removing my mask
But you don’t want to see
The real side of me
You like it simple
You like it to be straightforward
That’s why I keep my mask on
I don’t mean sickness
I’m talking about my emotions
The ones that are masked
This is the way you see me:
I’m smiling
I’m happy
I’m laughing
What you don’t see is
I’m slipping on a mask
Every time I’m with
Friends or
Anyone really
Some people say
Nobody is perfect
But still expect perfection
Am I the only one
Who feels damaged
By the word “Perfect?”
I’m mad
I’m sad
I’m tired
But I doubt you’ll ever notice . . .
I’m sitting right behind you
Laughing with the others
But don’t turn around
To look for me
You see my face drop
When I look away
But don’t take it personally
Maybe you can
Forget that you saw
My mask come off
In the first place
But you don’t forget
And you confront me
“Is something wrong?”
Direct and cold
There is no room for questions as I walk away
I wish I didn’t push you away
But I can’t say it
When there’s a mask
People gain
Ones you must meet
Sometimes they are impossible
I find myself
Craving, wishing, to “become a better person”
But I can’t do that
Without revealing
My real self to you
I can’t do that without
Removing my mask
But you don’t want to see
The real side of me
You like it simple
You like it to be straightforward
That’s why I keep my mask on