Sometimes I am the breeze that dances between sunflowers
That caresses their petals and scatters their seeds in the soft, fertile soil
Sometimes I am the devouring fire that angrily burns the wood, leaving only ash behind
I am a sad girl,
An old man,
A confident young lad,
And a rather quiet, silly man
I am not sure how to feel, see, touch, smell or hear. I know only what I am, have been, or could be.
I wonder what it would be like to soar the skies, to swim through the Milky Way and sleep on a star. To befriend my old enemy, or break someone’s heart.
I can only be one thing at a time, though it never does feel like that. I feel constantly jostled, jolted, and jittery. Though rather joyful, too.
I do quite like being a soft breeze, floating through the jasmine, lavender, and spearmint.
I do quite like being a fire, all consuming, never ending.
To describe what I am is to describe what we all are, and how we all came to be, think, and exist. I do not know why, yet I am rather grateful for it, because the lives I have lived and will live are a possibility because of it.
The endless universe is ours to unfold and uncover.
A mirror of a million souls.
A wild wonder.
That caresses their petals and scatters their seeds in the soft, fertile soil
Sometimes I am the devouring fire that angrily burns the wood, leaving only ash behind
I am a sad girl,
An old man,
A confident young lad,
And a rather quiet, silly man
I am not sure how to feel, see, touch, smell or hear. I know only what I am, have been, or could be.
I wonder what it would be like to soar the skies, to swim through the Milky Way and sleep on a star. To befriend my old enemy, or break someone’s heart.
I can only be one thing at a time, though it never does feel like that. I feel constantly jostled, jolted, and jittery. Though rather joyful, too.
I do quite like being a soft breeze, floating through the jasmine, lavender, and spearmint.
I do quite like being a fire, all consuming, never ending.
To describe what I am is to describe what we all are, and how we all came to be, think, and exist. I do not know why, yet I am rather grateful for it, because the lives I have lived and will live are a possibility because of it.
The endless universe is ours to unfold and uncover.
A mirror of a million souls.
A wild wonder.